Monday, March 26, 2012

A Nation of Trayvons

I don’t often write about my son. I’ve only mentioned him a few times on this blog. I consciously refrain from referring to my son on public forums for several reasons, but for the most part, I’m fiercely protective of him. As any committed and involved parent will attest, my focus as a mother is ensuring my son’s safety and happiness. I’d hate for any harm to inadvertently come his way as a result of my written words. It might sound a tad paranoid and unwarranted, but it’s hard enough keeping him out of harm’s way in the real world without adding the cyber world to my long list of worries. I realize this might be a futile or difficult task as he gets older and becomes more actively engaged with the cyber world and starts to communicate with his peers and friends more often on social media sites. I’m hoping my deliberate attempts to keep some things “private” on public forums sets an example for him and influences his online behavior. But I must write about my son today, especially in light of what happened to Trayvon Martin. I echo every parent’s sentiment when I say that could be my son.

Vic is a striking presence of skin and bones. Literally. I affectionately call him “flaco,” or “flaquito,” which is apt considering some of my closest friends also call me “flaca.” Flaco/a means thin or skinny in Spanish. He has a sinewy frame with refined and delicate features. Vic inherited my lush lips, warm smile, piercing eyes, and elegant bone structure. He has his father’s lanky build, stubborn nose, dark coloring and long, thick lashes. Almost 11, Vic stands to my ears and promises to surpass my height some time this year. Every summer, his smooth, unblemished skin darkens to a deep, caramel shade. No matter how much sunscreen I apply to his tawny flesh, it inevitably changes color. I jokingly call him “moreno” when his skin adopts this chocolate-brown hue. He doesn’t take after me in this regard. At best, I burn and then tan lightly. I’m a camel tone or sandy brown to his bronzed richness. I become acutely aware of his darker skin when he plays basketball at the courtyard in our neighborhood park. Boys and young men of all ages and shades congregate to shoot some hoops and play “21.” Some are pale. Others are as dark or darker than Vic. Most of them are in their teens or late teenage years. They are the ones the cops slow down to observe after they’ve finished a game and headed for the streets. Children run around on the playlot and squeal in delight during their games of tag. They are the ones the cops pull over and pat down more frequently than their lighter-skinned counterparts. You can see the anger and frustration on their deep-hued faces as the officers frisk them and question them with unabashed authority and roughness. As Vic and I were leaving the basketball court a couple of days ago, we witnessed a similar incident. I tried not to stare at the tall, young Latino in baggy jeans, with his arms splayed out over the hood of a squad car. Vic, on the other hand, gawked and swiveled his head from side to side to get a better view. He wanted to know what was happening. I looked at my tanned, athletic, long-legged, flaco and told him the young man was being interrogated. A group of boys headed out, their light hair glistening with sweat in the early evening light. Vic raised his eyebrows and appeared to understand without understanding how the young man’s color triggered suspicion and an immediate pat down. I swung my arm over his bony shoulders and gently steered him home. He glanced back at the young Latino who shared his coloring and basketball skills.

As my son gets older and stretches out past my slight stature, I realize he is going to come across confrontational and potentially violent situations. This weighs on my mind heavily. We live in a big city. We share our space with people from all walks of life. Danger is alive and present for a young boy in Chicago- a place where teen violence leads to children dying or being wounded on the streets in senseless numbers every year. Gun and gang violence are just two visible examples of the physical threats children must contend with from other peers determined to injure them by any means possible. The threats are boundless and especially insidious for minority youths.   

Most of us know by now that Trayvon Martin was killed more than a month ago in a Florida suburb by a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman. Trayvon was unarmed and heading home after buying snacks at a convenience store when Zimmerman pursued, confronted and fatally shot him. The shooting has generated nationwide outrage due to the racial elements of the case and Florida’s controversial 'Stand Your Ground' law, which enables those in Florida “to meet force with force, including deadly force” when attacked. Trayvon was an unarmed, 17-year-old black, high school student. Zimmerman is a Latino described as “White” in the police report of the incident. Zimmerman told the police he acted in self-defense. There are too many issues and questions to bring up in such a short entry, but there are three topics that stand out: skin color, clothing and Florida’s misguided law.

Trayvon was black. Zimmerman is half Latino. A minority killed another minority. Born and raised on the north side of Chicago, I witnessed Latinos and other minorities ruthlessly attacking each other with their fists or weapons. It happened frequently in my own home, where men seemed to delight in brutalizing women and children. Fights were a common sight on the streets between enemies, so-called friends and the cops tasked with apprehending these "savage animals." Melees even erupted in school between classmates and bitter rivals. You could not escape the violence, as it was a part of your everyday existence. What struck me even at such a young age was the undeniable issue of color. The few white residents in my neighborhood didn’t seem to have the same problems with violence that we (the “minorities”) were battling. The police never appeared at their front doors due to domestic disturbances. The white and Asian kids rarely got pulled over by the cops while walking to and from school (unless they were walking with a group of Latinos or Blacks). I lost track the number of times a squad car would shadow my brother (whom Vic resembles in frame and coloring) and his friends as they walked down Lawrence avenue. My brother was a skinny, tough teen who despised all vestiges of authority. The cops regarded him with equal feelings of hostility. They stopped and frisked him with impunity and if the situation called for it, they’d resort to necessary or gratuitous violence. I remember one time my mom and I had to pick up my brother at the Belmont station when he was 16-years-old because he had been arrested for trespassing. I didn’t recognize his bloody and swollen face. It wouldn’t be the last time he was brutalized by the police. Worst of all, the gang violence was out of control in our part of Ravenswood (near Uptown) with young Latino and Black boys shooting or brawling other Latino and Black boys. It dawned on me that as teenagers, we didn’t have to worry about our relatives or the white cops killing us. We were successfully destroying and killing each other on the streets. When will the continuing trend of minorities killing each other end? Zimmerman is a minority. Why did he shoot a black boy? Why did the color of Trayvon’s skin arouse suspicion? Had Zimmerman never been in a situation where the color of his own skin provoked suspicion from others? Perhaps Zimmerman never encountered racism and prejudice in his entire life. Good for him. But now we have another dead black boy.

When Trayvon was shot, he was wearing a hoodie. Zimmerman stated Trayvon looked like he was up to “no good.” Hoodies, or hooded sweatshirts, have been around since the 1930’s. They are a popular clothing item with young kids. Hell, they are a popular clothing item with people in general. Vic owns several hoodies and wears them when the weather is cool enough. I used to wear oversized hoodies all the time when I was a teenager because they were fashionable. But what is it about a minority youth wearing a hooded sweatshirt that automatically generates a negative reaction? A young minority decked out in “hoodlum” gear WILL inevitably inspire feelings of scorn or fear. This is an undeniable and unfair reality for minority youths, whether they’re walking around in their hood or outside of it. Again, I recall all the times my male friends would get stopped and searched by the police. I lived in a Latino barrio. Our parents emigrated from different Latin American countries. Therefore, no two Latinos looked the same in our neighborhood. However, most of the boys singled out and interrogated by the cops were dark-skinned and wore loose, baggy jeans with hoodies. Unless you have been stopped and frisked by the police for no other reason than being “dark” and “looking suspicious” for wearing certain clothing items, then you probably won’t be able to fully understand the outrage sparked by Trayvon’s shooting. Your choice of clothing somehow influences how you’re going to be treated by others. Trayvon was wearing a hoodie in a gated community, so of course he was up to "no good." Your choice of clothing coupled with the color of your skin determines how suspicious you’re going to come across to a stranger. Why do we need another dead black boy to show us how these two factors combined are nothing more than a recipe for tragedy?                                 

What role did Florida's controversial 'Stand Your Ground' law play in Trayvon’s death? It’s hard to say when so much information is still missing. Plus, it’s easy to debate the matter when your key witness is dead. Stand Your Ground laws empower citizens to defend themselves–using deadly force–if they reasonably believe their life or the lives of others are in danger, or to prevent a forcible felony. Zimmerman called 911 to report Trayvon looked suspicious as he walked down the street of a gated community. Against the dispatcher's instruction, Zimmerman pursued him. The two of them apparently got into some kind of fight–Zimmerman had grass stains on his back, a bloody nose and blood on the back of his head. At some point Zimmerman shot Trayvon, killing him. Zimmerman may have muttered "fucking coons" into the phone to a 911 dispatcher while pursuing Trayvon. What does stand your ground mean in the ‘Stand Your Ground Law’? As former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said: “Stand your ground means stand your ground. It doesn’t mean chase after somebody who’s turned their back.” The Sanford police accepted Zimmerman’s assertions that he shot Trayvon in self-defense, which is why no murder charges were filed against him. But the 911 tapes reveal that when Zimmerman decided to pursue Trayvon, it was based only on the fact that he looked "suspicious" and had something in his hand (a can of iced tea). So did Zimmerman stand his own ground when he pursued and shot Trayvon (a fucking coon if those tapes are accurate) for looking suspicious? Only a jury in a courtroom can decide. But one thing is crystal clear: giving citizens unregulated power and prudence to use deadly physical force when they fear for their lives with little or zero accountability is more than just deadly: it's tragic. And heartbreaking.

My uncle glanced over at Vic a couple of days ago as we were eating dinner and remarked how dark his skin looked. I replied it was perfectly natural due to the unexpected hot weather in late March. We’ve been spending most of our free time outdoors in the sun. Later on, I sat down on my futon to read but could only think of Trayvon. Did he play basketball before he was killed? If he did, what was his favorite position? He was 6-foot-3 and weighed 140 pounds. Vic wants to try out for his school’s basketball team this fall. I told him to work on his jump shot and ball handling skills over the summer. We’ll spend many afternoons at the basketball court with the other boys who look like him. I cried for Trayvon instead of reading. And I also cried because I live in a world where the color of my child’s skin can kill him.      

Friday, March 9, 2012

(Non) Confessions of A Cheap Pantie Addict

My name is Maria, and I’m addicted to cheap panties. No. Not the kind you buy on sale at Victoria’s Secret (five pairs of cotton undies for $26? nice try. I know how to divide, and you’re not that slick (or cheap) Victoria’s Secret.) I’m hopelessly obsessed with the frilly and colorful, yet affordable, panties that beckon me inside stores like Discovery, Marshalls, Nordstrom Rack and T.J. Maxx. You’ve probably already concluded several things about me since I dropped the word “Discovery.” And some of those conclusions might be unfair, extreme, or perfectly legitimate. Fair enough. But before your hasty opinions completely mar your perceptions of my color-coded pantie drawer, at least consider the typical price I pay for a sexy bikini or racy thong at these large-scale establishments: $2-4. I can’t believe it either! The most I’ve ever paid for a pair of lacy knickers is $5 and that was largely due to an error. I’ve been buying cheap panties for almost a decade now and unless I marry into the Masotti family of the oh-so-couture La Perla lingerie line, you’ll never catch me skipping around in expensive underwear.      

Most people would call me a cheapskate. Or thrifty. And I would insist on being referred to as the former because it’s an accurate description of my fondness for bargain underpants. Why do I refuse to shell out more than a couple of dollars on a garment that will eventually get thrown out? Because it will eventually get thrown out. There are 7 days in a week, and 12 months and 365 days (366 this year) in a year. The average human being, especially the female of the species, will need a sizable number of underwear to last through the year and some of those cute panties won’t survive the normal wear and tear process. What do I mean by sizable? It depends. Check your undergarments drawer. Or wherever you toss your underthings. I’m sure you own more than twelve pairs of skivvies. If you don’t, please get thee to the nearest Marshalls as soon as possible!

According to an informal survey I conducted on the underwear buying trends of consumers in the Chicago area (my mom, two sisters and a cousin), the vast majority presently own at least 19 pairs of drawers (my cousin tossed out three last week. see? my mom doesn’t keep track of her “calsones” because she claims it’s “bad luck”). They spent anywhere from $7 (whoa!) to $10 (gasp!) per pair to cover their curvy bottoms. Now I ask: why would any sane person buy expensive panties? Before you start assaulting me with several compelling reasons for dropping serious money on undies (expensive lingerie makes me feel SEXY! I may need these really pricy panties some day! buying cheap underwear is CHEAP and TACKY Maria!), please answer this question: how often do you shop for knickers? Once a month? Twice a year? Whenever you run out of clean underwear? If an average of 25 percent of consumers purchase underwear each month and the average number of panties in your (the consumer) drawer is approximately 19 if you’re a woman and 17 if you’re a man (boxers or briefs I’m assuming), then a reasonable amount of cash is being forked over to cover your nether regions. We all love a good deal, so why wouldn’t the same frugal philosophy apply to underwear?

Lest you picture me lounging around in poorly crafted panties, allow me to emphatically proclaim that I don’t wear shoddy or shapeless underwear. When I said cheap, I was speaking in terms of price, not quality. My severe aversion to “high-end” panties stems from the obscene cost attached to the two pieces of flimsy material that hold this vital garment in place (one delicate piece if it’s a thong). I (and many other bargain-minded women) shop for “luxurious” underwear in large-scale retailers like T.J. Maxx for two main reasons: low cost and designer-worthy styles/brands. As a matter of fact, Marshalls states on its website you should “never pay full price for fabulous” goods like panties. Sounds like shrewd advice to me. You’ll find brands like DKNY, Calvin Klein, Hanky Panky, and Honeydew for less than half the price compared to department stores. Therefore, if you, the average (or non-average) consumer, are in possession of 19 (or 17) pairs of underwear and you didn’t shop at Discovery or Nordstrom Rack, your priorities need to be reevaluated. We’re all trying to make our money work for us during these shaky economic times. Don’t overspend on a necessary item like underwear when steals and savings are in abundance at all the right stores. Put away your pride!  

Now that I’m single again, every Friday night I tidy up and rearrange my alphabetized panty drawer, which boasts an impressive array of cheap, multi-colored and high-quality undies. Knowing I shopped (and paid) wisely for lacy skivvies gives me a sense of control in an ever-chaotic world. Remember, with great underwear hygiene comes great responsibility. Don’t just change your knickers daily and toss out any tattered pair. Be a savvy consumer and also shop for the lowest underwear price possible. And don’t disclose your real panty number: it’s bad luck!     

Friday, March 2, 2012

Top 25 Break-Up Songs (you probably aren't listening to)

Where do the lonely and shattered hearts go after a break-up? The only place that’s safe and comforting: to the world of music. Listening to break-up songs is a cathartic, essential and pitiful part of the healing process for the brokenhearted. After the passing of a relationship, most of us need to cry, vent and yell for an indeterminate amount of time without being told to keep it down and get on with our lives (we will!). A break-up song is a perfect companion on those long and insufferable nights when you can’t sleep because it describes in excruciating detail all the pain you’re experiencing. I’m currently nursing a wounded heart, so I’m sort of an “expert” on break-up songs. I’ve created a break-up playlist (what else was I supposed to do?) featuring the top 25 break-up songs you probably aren’t listening to, unless you’re going through a break-up. 

1) Amos Lee “Learned A Lot” Ryan (Amos) is a dying breed. He’s a singer-songwriter with a lot of heart and soul. Everything about this song is therapeutic: his soothing voice, the subtle use of an organ in the background and his reflective lyrics about the lessons heartbreak imparts.  

2) Amy Winehouse “Love is a Losing Game” 

When Amy passed away last summer, we lost a great talent. “Back to Black” is one of my all-time favorite albums because it describes the chaos and disappointment of romantic relationships and chronicles her constant struggles with drugs and alcohol. 

3) Band of Horses “No One’s Gonna Love You” Don’t cringe at the title. Ben Bridwell, lead singer of BOH, has a mesmerizing voice and belts out some of the most poignant and passionate lyrics about a crumbling relationship.

4) Ben Harper “Walk Away” With his bittersweet song, Ben proves that all you need to connect with a heartbroken audience is a guitar and authenticity. If you can make it through 3 minutes and 50 seconds without crying, you’re probably not human.  

5) Bon Iver “I Can’t Make You Love Me” (Bonnie Raitt cover) Cover songs are usually hits or misses, especially if the original song is legendary and timeless. Justin Vernon keeps it simple, graceful and haunting with his delicate piano arrangement. It strikes several chords deep within your broken fiber.

6) Bon Iver “SkinnyLove" 

The first time I came across Bon Iver, I couldn’t pronounce the name. After I listened to the live version of “Skinny Love,” I was no longer in doubt, or quite the same way again. Justin possesses the unique ability to move your soul as he sings with such acute agony the sense of hopelessness that hits you after a rough break-up.

7) Fiona Apple “I Want You” (Elvis Costello cover) 

I’m a huge Fiona fan, so it’s no surprise she’s on my break-up playlist. I’ll never forget how I felt after coming across her live Costello cover almost three years ago. The rage, pain, longing and shamelessness in her voice are a mirror image of what most of us experience as we struggle to come to terms with the dissolution of a relationship.   

8) Fleetwood Mac “Dreams” Stevie Nicks composed the song in 1976 during a time when most of the members of the group where experiencing relationship woes. The track features a lively dance beat, while Stevie sings about releasing a lover who wishes to be set free. Women (and men) will come and go.     

9) Gang Starr “Ex Girl To Next Girl” Guru and DJ Premier were untouchable and unparalleled during the early 1990’s. “Ex Girl to Next Girl” is real talk about what all lovers will one day be: an ex or the next. 

10) Jay Z “Song Cry" 

Who knew Jigga could be so sensitive? On this melodic rap ballad, Just Blaze samples “Sounds Like a Love Song” by Bobby Glenn and Jay Z laments a break-up. Heartache is a universal language.

11) Justin Timberlake “What Goes Around Comes Around” He sings. He dances. He acts. He produces. Is there anything this gorgeous man can’t do? The beat is spectacular (shout out to Timbaland!) and Justin’s otherworldly falsetto serves to emphasize the despair and betrayal of a man who was done wrong.     

12) Keith Urban “You’ll Think of Me” There’s nothing like a good ol’ country song to help cure the blues. This sorrowful song hits close to home for the broken-hearted because Keith clearly knows what pain, sleeplessness and loneliness feel like after a break-up.  

13) Kings of Leon “Closer” While much of the appeal of this once innovative band has worn off, there are still stellar songs on their discography. “Closer” might be a dark and intense song about a vampire, but Caleb’s gritty and tortured voice describes the inner turmoil of the recently bereaved.       

14) Lauryn Hill “Ex-Factor” 

Hip-hop’s reigning queen released one solo album in her lifetime, but it’s enough to remind us why she’s unparalleled. Lauryn has such an emotive voice and she echoes our difficulties in saying good-bye to love.   

15) Mana “Te lloré un rió” One of Mexico’s most beloved and well-know rock bands draw on several musical sounds and styles. Fher is honest and controlled as he sings about the pain one has to endure when love makes an exit. Sometimes break-up songs sound way better in Spanish.

16) Maxwell “Pretty Wings” Maxwell makes music for grownups in love. His stunning and heartfelt voice carries you through every sad, yet hopeful, note on “Pretty Wings.”      

17) Phil Collins “Against All Odds” You can’t have a break-up playlist without adding this iconic song to the mix. In many ways, I think Phil set the bar for break-up songs.

18) Prince “How Come You Don’t Call Me Anymore” B-sides can be such hidden gems. Prince’s bluesy, smooth and at times shrill falsetto serves to underscore the torturing aftermath of a break-up.    

19) Ricky Martin feat. La Mari de Chambao “Tu Recuerdo” 

Ricky first achieved musical prominence with the Latin boy band Menudo during the 1980’s. But it is this sensual yet sorrowful duet with La Mari from the Spanish flamenco-electronic band Chambao that remains one of my all-time favorite break-up songs.

20) Ryan Adams & The Cardinals "Fix It" 

Ryan was originally part of the group Whiskeytown but things really took off for him once he went solo. I prefer the live version of “Fix It” because his voice absolutely bristles with pain and regret.

21) Skyzoo “Dear Whoever” Skyzoo excels at metaphors. Listen closely to his track about an apparent break-up. His raw and honest lyrics catch you off-guard.  

22) Stereophonics “Rainbows And Pots of Gold” 

This song is what you wish you could tell your former lover. Kelly executes every line with the perfect amount of pain.

23) The Decemberists “Engine Driver” Whether you love or hate his voice, most of us can agree that Colin is an exceptional writer. The hook leaves you breathless even though it’s deceptively simple.

24) The Mars Volta “Since We’ve Been Wrong” There’s never a dull song with The Mars Volta. Omar’s guitar practically weeps and Cedric’s voice gives you goose bumps as you contemplate a past that no longer exists.   

25) Ween “It’s Gonna Be (Alright)” For such an eclectic and eccentric band, Ween does a hell of a job composing a break-up song. “It’s gonna be alright”: it’s a phrase we constantly tell ourselves after a gut-wrenching loss.

Honorary mention: The Procussions feat. Talib Kweli "Miss January"

The now-defunct hip-hop act from Colorado Springs teamed up with hip-hop's greatest poet, Talib, to produce a song about letting go and embracing the future.